Our Coming Attraction

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Like Mother, Like Daughter

I love doing these side-by-side pictures to compare. As you can see, Aunalie is definitely her own little self. What a personality this little girl has. Just a little update, she is now about 14 months old... she's not quite walking, which is confusing because she refuses to go down the stairs any other way but by standing. She's talking up a storm (at least in baby babbling) but my mom and I are pretty sure she said Gah-ma the other day and reached for Grandma. She says ma-ma, da-da, ba-ba, puh-pah (puppy), wa-wa (noah) and noo-noo-noo (no-no). I don't remember Noah talking as much, but she's a girl, so that explains it. She's teething, but that seems to be continuous since she was about 5 months old. Some days are worse than others, but at least she cut her 7th tooth a week or so ago. There will be more to come, hopefully... but I thought since I actually have a minute to breath and I finished watching the first season of Glee, I could actually do something like post a picture of my little diva. She is doing great and is so sweet!

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