I'm sure I will miss quite a lot of things, but I'm going to write all I know for now.
Mason has been rolling on his stomach from back for a while, which is incredible and kind of scary as he's only 4 and a half months old. I also think he is teething and I'm sure I will see a first tooth in a month or so. He reminds me SO much of Noah, it's bizarre. Everything is new for Mason regarding swimming pools and grandma's house and OH, eating! We aren't exactly starting the eating with great enthusiam like we did with the others, but he has had pears and applesauce. It's more that he likes to sit in the high chair at dinner with us. That kid is already my busiest and wiggliest child by far. He also giggles all the time now, when he isn't sucking on his fists and crying (probably because of pain).
Aunalie finger painted for the first time. Which was fun. She is such a girlie girl and nothing like Noah when it comes to finger painting. She literally uses one finger and dabs the paper. It's adorable. Noah walks away from the table covered in paint. It's more like body painting when he does it. That's why it is imperative that finger painting is a naked activity. ha ha! Aunalie is also starting to become very particular as far as dressing is concerned. She has favorite clothing and it may or may not match. I guess that is Karma. We also watched Snow White for the first time this summer and no, I have never seen it! Aunalie LOVED it. She may be Snow White for Halloween!
Noah is amazing me these days with his use of the scissors. He can cut figures out of coloring books REALLY well, following the lines. I find a million little tiny scraps of paper on the kitchen floor, but I don't mind because it usually takes about 20 minutes of his concentration to do this. It's wonderful and quite impressive I might say. He says he misses his preschool and his friends. Shawn introduced Noah to Star Wars and I'm competing with Harry Potter... tee hee. I am SO excited to start reading those books to my children. I might start in a year or two with Noah.
Noah is also improving his swimming skills as we take him to the pool at the very least once a week. This week we went three times in Hebron.
Shawn just got back from working in Boston and he got to visit the ocean and Harvard. He said it was amazing and he could live out there. Too bad it would be SO far away from our family and friends! I could use a break from the heat too! But he did say that the traffic was insane and scary sometimes. I don't know if I could deal with that.
Like I said, I'm sure I left a lot out, but I hit some highlights. The summer went WAY too fast even though at times I felt like we were stuck inside like it were February. Our 3rd of July party came and went with a HUGE bang, or a million. We had a great group of people and an excellent spread of food! We headed down to Hebron, saw the parade and lit off some of our own fireworks. My dad turned 60 this summer and we had a surprise party for him which was fun, partied again in Hebron for a few days. Now we head into August, ready to celebrate Shawn's birthday, anticipating a busy year of preschool, and are getting ready for a fun year of MOPS, vb reffing and the Big 10!